Manifest “My religion is Love’
In all great traditions – from East and West – life from love is seen as an essence and expressed as love for life. Sometimes reference is made to ‘respect for life’, to ‘ahimsa, a non-violent intercourse with all forms of life’ or to the ‘simple religion of love’. And all this formulated in the language of the heart: one spirit, one humanity, one world, one cosmos. In all diversity there is unity in all religions: Love.
Love inspires us, at this moment, in the here and now, from a position of compassion, to connect us with ourselves and from there with all people, with the flora and fauna around us. Then we can live from togetherness and equality. Through this togetherness we give meaning to our lives and we consciously deal with the world, its residents and all its sources.
Love speaks the language of the heart. From the heart we experience creation, and therefore also our own existence, like a mystery – a mystery about which we once again wonder every day. In the loving language of the heart, humans are a flower in the garden of the creation, a flower that participates in the mystery. People have a creative awareness and is therefore also creator. More than ever we are challenged today to stand consciously creative together in life in the ‘global community’.
Becoming wholly human
All great traditions see incarnation as the great spiritual mission. In the here and now we want to experience the meaning of this mission. Awareness enables us to be the best person we can (of “our best selves”). With this awareness we start looking for our home, our source, a place, a city, a country where we are spiritually accommodated. This way we find the road to humanity, to the source of love from which we come.
In the stories of the great traditions in the universal religion of love, we should always recognize that we may live as liberated people and that we therefore can also contribute to the liberation of all living creatures, people and animals.
The religion of love is ‘practiced respect for life ‘. This respect does not just apply for people, but also for plants and animals, for the entire world. It has a cosmic scope. We show our respect for the physical, mental and social integrity of any creature by how we behave towards them.
Compassion is the base of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions. We have a responsibility to treat all living beings as we like to be treated ourselves.
Standing up
We live in a world that does not correspond with our inner values and standards. The vision of a harmonious, loving world also means prophetically standing up against pain, grief and suffering, poverty, exploitation and war. Instead of watching in silence, we raise our voices and we actively engage ourselves to combat all injustice and violence, against all that tears and destroys this world.
Everywhere people, animals, plants and situations are waiting to be healed. Love invites us to look for our spiritual home. To look for people who together with us, creative and liberating, want to work on the realisation of the shared desire for justice, peace, wholeness. In our engagement we find the way to our original awareness, our authentic wishes and desires, our true identity.
Love challenges us to create a perfect, loving and lasting world together as creative people, based on equality and respect. In this world we reach our full potential as people who do not just appreciate themselves and each other but also everything that lives. This leads to a lasting world that meets our common values and standards, our common heart-longing for love, solidarity and openness.
Clarifying existence
The religion of love asks us to be rooted in life, with a clear view on our own existence and that of others. With that clear view our heart opens up for what can inspire us – in reflection and encounter – to jointly contribute to a beautiful, loving, humane and lasting world.
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